Part 9: Learning about Kyle's Mother
New Music: Razzle Dazzle
Each chapter begins with a short movie that I won't bother record. It's more of a slideshow than a movie, actually.

The slideshow has a static effect, which makes it look kinda blurry on screenshots.

It basically recaps the previous chapter in a short way, with the summary being the moderate way and the novel being the LONG way. We'll get to the novel soon.

The text says "Sleepless Night." It's more legible in motion.
Music stops

Now the chapter truly begins.

Every morning I have to fight the temptation to get a gun and shoot the damn thing. Guess the only way to stop that damn beeping is to get up and hit it myself.
Or use a hammer, but that still qualifies as "get up and hit it myself."
Okay, okay, I get it.

The alarm is beeping all this time. It's still not as annoying as "Ajanouha ihtan!" though.
On the table beside my bed is that damn alarm clock.

A simple minigame. You have 0.5-second window while the clock isn't blurry to press it. If you miss, you have to wait 3 seconds before you have to try again, with the alarm still beeping.

If I still had my job, this would be my cue to get up. Guess I don't need to worry about that kind of thing anymore, though.

That pretty much me on a holiday. But of course, Kyle can't sleep because...
*phone rings*

"Now the phone's ringing."
I reach out from my bed and grab the receiver.

You know, Kyle, that's a really awkward position to hold the phone. I mean, you could use your left ear.
"From your voice, it sounds like you're still in bed."

Music: Ace of Diamonds

Yeah, remember Kyle's mother that was mentioned once in a conversation with Rosa about independent women? Well, here she is. Needless to say, she already played a bigger role here than last game.

That's a way to say "I'm fired," I guess.

Awww. Kyle is nice to his mother

About time that name pop up.

We got all

I don't know, I wouldn't put it past Tony. Or Dylan. Seems like phone fraud wasn't that big of a thing back in 1980.

Music stops

This is new. Ed and Kyle's Father's relationship is only mentioned in like 2 sentences at the beginning of the last game.
New Music: Contemplation

The expired groceries in your fridge says otherwise.

I was wide awake after the chat I had with my mom. Gave up trying to get back to sleep and dragged myself out of bed.

Music: Heating Up

I splash cold water over my face, giving my senses a sharp wake-up call.

Notice how there's no mention of him taking a bath.

Before I know it, I find myself slumped on the sofa. I slowly begin to gain a little clarity as I sit there, but... There's something about hearing my mom's voice after all this time. That, and the fact that I'm blankly staring at the worn out wallpaper in my room, sends me plunging back through my thoughts to a point somewhere in the past.
Music: Distant Memory

He was a man with little to say. So into his work that he was rarely home. My mom was working as a nurse back then, too. I'd come home from school each day only to be greeted by an empty apartment.

Three days after he left for a job, he wound up dead in a parking lot somewhere downtown.

After she managed to get her feelings together, she packed our stuff, then took us off to start a new life in Manhattan.

Who wanted him dead and why did we have to leave town? I had all these questions going round in my head, but Mom wasn't talking.

Mom decided to start talking to me about Dad. She chose this time to reveal something I didn't know about my dad. She told me that he used to be a safecracker.

But after he left home to do his last job, he never returned. His death was unexplained and the case remains unsolved to this day.
It's basically like an action movie, except instead of being the "hero" we get to be the family of one of the people the "hero" killed.

I still remember the words my mom said to me on that day about my old man. She said that now I'm a detective I can uncover the truth behind his death. I took her words lightly. After all, I knew about being in this line of work. I knew that getting to the bottom of the mysteries surrounding a man's death could lead to truths that relatives of the deceased wouldn't want to hear. Even with the tools I had at my disposal, I wasn't willing to dig. I quit the job and still don't know the truth.

Just me and my thoughts.